

Kurt Hoverson
現在 大学講師。

Hello everyone, my name is Kurt Hoverson from Minneapois Minnesota, USA. 
It’s nice to meet you. 
I’ve teaching English for almost 30 years in the US, Colombia South America, and Japan.  Currently, I’m teaching at a University in Osaka. 
I aldo do some acting for Japanese TV. 
My hobbies are hiking, reading, scuba diving, and traveling. I look forward to meeting you.

Samuel Varian コンコード大学卒。

“To have another language is to process a second soul.” – Charlmagne

I love the quote because of how applicable it is to everyone who studies a second language.  As I began learning Japanese, I noticed that my entire way of thinking was immensely broadened once I got to the point that I could communicate with native speakers.  Tha, to me, is the goals of improving ourselves through study: to open our minds through new ways of thinking.  All of human history and progress is built on out capacity to learn, and language is so important in our increasingly globalized world.

As for myself, I lived in Osaka for most of my six years in Japan but moved to Hyogo in 2015.  Although I am from the USA, I fell in love with Japan and now intend to stay here forever.  My hobbies include enjoying craft beer with my friends and playing PC games.  I also enjoy doing web development in my free time.

If you ever feel discouraged in your studies, just remember that the best way to take a long journey is to enjoy yourself on the way to your goal.  Come join us at JETS where we make sure there’s plenty of laughter as we learn new words and phrases through English conversation.

Ian Smith

Hello everyone!  My name is Ian and I’m from Toronto area in Canada.  I’ve been living in Japan for many years now, enjoying your cuisine, culture and the great sights of Kansai!  I love language and words, and wordplay, so please come out and join us on Saturdays for interesting discussion and good fun!


新田 亜紀子(にった あきこ) 

カルフォルニア州立大学卒業・神戸女学院大学大学院で通訳を学ぶ。在米8年の経験を生かして、大学・語学専門学校・企業等で多数の通訳, 翻訳、英会話, 資格対策、スピーチ、英語劇などの豊富な講師歴、イベントや大学の講演などでは同時通訳を多数経験。英文法書、TOEIC、TOEFL教材の著者も務める英語コミュニケーション研究家。TOEIC990取得。 

 改めてTOEICとは何か考えてみましょう。Test of English for International Communicationの略です。つまり、国際的なコミュニケーション能力としての英語力を試すテストなのです。「国際的」とは決して遠い世界の話ではなく、今の私たちを囲む物流や情報網や旅行を含めた人の移動を考えると、すでに国際化やグローバル化は身近にあると分かります。国際的なコミュニケーション能力を身につけると、可能性、例えば旅のスタイルや自分がやっていける仕事や活動が拡大します。それは意外と難しいことではなく、今まで習ってきて知っている英語を「知っている」から「使える」ようにする、ちょっとした切り替えで大きく展開するのかもしれません。
 机上の勉強にとどめておくこともできますが、 私が思うのは、TOEICとはたとえるなら、英語を使う場面集です。ある時はリスニングで、またある時はリーディングで、あらゆる場面を英語で乗り切る訓練となるのです。さまざまな場面の連続をこなすのは相当な英語漬けですが、とりあえずテキスト一冊から始められるのです! 当クラスではスコアアップを目指すのはもちろんのこと、TOEICの練習問題等を通して使えるコミュニケーション能力につなげる学習法と基礎に立ち返った文法ポイントの見直し・習得を取り入れています。

John Wilson
現在 専門学校講師。 趣味は、ヨット。

When English learners come to my “lesson” I consider it to be a GAME DAY.  It’s the time when they come with an objective in mind, use their skills and win.  Winning by participation.  Winning by chatting about topical subjects, discussing issues and debating opinions.  Winning by self-analysis, peer analysis while building confidence every step they take up the learning curve as they master new vocabulary and new grammar.

Come to my GAME DAY with a passion and you will for sure, at some time, on some occasion end up my passions.  I’m passionate about innovative change that’s happening before our eyes, disruptive technologies that will make our world a better place of our kinds and theirs.  I’m passionate about sport particularly watching our New Zealand Rugby All Blacks doing their winning plays though I’m not a passive sports person.  I like to participate in activities whenever I get the opportunity wither it be fishing, golfing, train running, mountain climbing, social hashing, cruise sailing or whatever.

On GAME DAY come armed with researched information to share about your latest passion or an interesting activity, for talking with enthusiasm and knowledge and a subject which is meaningful to you is the quickest way to improve your fluency and confidence and have you climbing the steep curve toward becoming the English speaker your want to be.  As coach it’s my passion to guide you along that constantly winning path.