
英検に挑戦された生徒さん達から朗報が届きました。今回は、全員、突破できました! とても嬉しいです! 継続は力なり! 引き続き、頑張りましょう!私もがんばります✌️


☆英会話サロン w/Sam Articles(2024/07/26)

A message from Sam:

Attached is an article for Friday’s A class. It is about my favorite author, Gene Wolfe, and his “magnum opus”, the four-book series *The Book of the New Sun*.

Some of the words referenced from his works are (purposefully) archaic so may be unfamiliar, students need not worry about them. Of course, any questions are welcome on Friday.

A class – 7.26.2024 Fri 2



☆英会話サロン w/Stephen Articles(2034/07/23-24)

Tuesday morning: //**//Next *”The dark side of touch screen tipping”
*from /As much as I blamed myself…/

Tuesday evening: *”Top countries for bad reasons” *from Papau New Guinea
/A less violent reason/ ; *Next “Corporate Blunders”.

Wednesday 10am: *”Top countries for bad reasons” *from Chad*; Next
“Corporate Blunders”.

** Wednesday 11:30am//Next “*AILove” *from /Emtional support…/; Next
*”The dark side of touch screen tipping”.*

CorporateBlunders 2

AILove 3

Online tipping 2

Top countries for bad reasons


Session@JETS Academy(2024/07/14)
Thank you all for coming!

☆英会話サロン w/Stephen Articles(2024/07/16-17)

Tuesday morning: //**//Next *”The dark side of touch screen tipping”
*from /the more consumers do this…; /Next *Top Countries for bad reasons*

Tuesday evening: *”Top countries for bad reasons” *from Somalia ; *Next
“Corporate Blunders”.

Wednesday 10am: *”Top countries for bad reasons” *from Germany*; Next
“Corporate Blunders”.

** Wednesday 11:30am//Next “*AILove” *from /That potentially makes an AI
partner…/; Next *”The dark side of touch screen tipping”.*
CorporateBlunders 2

Top countries for bad reasons

Online tipping 2

