
ソフトバンクの携帯wi-fiを解約しに店舗へ…2年縛り(two-year commitment period)は、過ぎているが、新しい2年縛りがはじまり、2021年2月21日-5月20日までの間に解約するのでなければ、1万円のペナルティーがかかると, 言われました。 もし、解約しなければ、あと
1年半ほど、毎月の使用料を払い続けなければならず….. zozoやwe workに、次々と投資できる資金は、顧客からたくさんの利益を得ているからなんだろうなと思ってしまいます。それにしても、we workに巨額の資金を投資しても大丈夫なのかな〜

I went to one of the Soft Bank shops to cancel a portable wi-fi device which I have rarely used. To terminate the contract, I was told to pay a certain amount of penalty or to wait for about one and a half years before the third “two-year commitment period” is completed, paying the monthly fees until then (2/21-5/20 in 2020). I reluctantly chose to pay the penalty fees, thinking that the company has made a huge amount of profits by collecting money from tens and millions of poor/naive customers like myself. Whenever I talk with their staff members about the advantages of using their services (compared to other companies) I get frustrated and confused about their payment structure/system which I’ve never understood. I am becoming concerned that they are now making huge investments to struggling companies like We Work and ZOZO, to name a few, in Japan and around the world.