☆Single Mothers

いつも、シングルマザーの家庭が困窮しているニュースを聞くたびに、”父親は何処にいるんだろう? “と、無責任な父親(離婚している場合)の存在が気になります。ヨーロッパの福祉国家などでは、父親の給与から自動的に養育費が差し引かれています。家族/地域/社会/国家が協力して、困窮しているシングルマザーの家庭/子供達を守る法改正が一気にすすみますように。Children are our future!!♪

Whenever I hear about the financial hardship of single mothers’ households in Japan, I always wonder where their ex-husbands(their children’s fathers) are and why they don’t share responsibilities of raising children. In several social states in Europe, the childcare support payment is automatically deducted from fathers’ monthly salaries. Regrettably, the legal protection to single-mothers in Japan is far behind, compared to the other developed countries. Healthy growth of children should be protected with the joint efforts made by the government/community/society/families.
Children are our future!
