
欧米諸国に比べると、日本の重症化件数は微々たるもの。にも関わらず、なぜ、医療崩壊が起こっているのだろうか。1)民間の病院が受け入れを拒否、あるいは、不可能? 2)適切なトレーニングを受けた医療従事者が不足?  もし、欧米のように重症化件数がふえていたら、ほとんど自宅で最後を迎えなければいけないのだろうか? この機会に、危機管理について何をすべきか、明確にしていかなければならないと思います。

Despite the fact that the number of serious cases of COVID-19 requiring intensive care at hospitals is much lower in Japan than in the U.S. , Europe, India, Brazil, etc., Japanese hospitals are reported to be overwhelmed with patients, many of whom are told to wait at home until hospitalization is possible. Is it because: 1)Many private hospitals refuse (or are logistically unable) to accept COVID-19 patients? 2)There is a shortage of medical professionals who are trained to handle serious cases?
If the number of serious cases in Japan approaches the levels of in the aforementioned regions, most seriously-ill patients would be left to die at home while awaiting hospitalization? We need to discuss and identify what needs to be done in order to avert this possibility in future pandemic emergencies.