☆Stock Price

1. ニューヨーク/ロンドン/上海/東京市場が、いつも連動している。 たとえば、米国の金利が上がると、株離れが起こりその影響が世界市場へ… バブルの頃は、日本の株価/不動産価格だけが異常に高騰化し、米国の市場は冷えていて、あまり、連動していなかったように思う。(バブル時代、金融関係の翻訳をしていた頃、不思議に感じていた。)
2. 一番、健全な投資のあり方とは、応援する企業(社会/環境/人々の生活に貢献する技術/サービスを提供する企業など)をサポートし利益に応じて配当金(dividend)を得る事…. 目先の利益を追求する、デイトレーダーが、株価の上昇/暴落に一喜一憂しているが、経済的な効果は、あるのだろうか?

Stock Price
The current global stock market faces an uncertain future due to the combined impacts of COVID-19, Russian agression in Ukraine, and rising interest rates in the USA. In retrospect, I was involved in a project translating financial reports after the collapse of the bubble economy back in the early 90s. Since then I have been intrigued by the following aspects of the global financial market…
1. In general, global financial markets (New York/London/Shanghai/Tokyo) are closely linked. For example, the current increase in the interest rate in the US market (to alleviate inflation) has caused global investors to sell stock, cooling down the global economy. However, during the bubble economy, the sharp hike in the price of stocks/land in Japan was observed solely in Japan.
2. The healthiest form of investment is to support potential companies which return a profit (dividends), and are deemed beneficial to the global economy/environment/ technology/people. Are “day-traders” who sell/buy stocks only to seek immediate gains good for the economy?