☆Writing short essays

家で、Netflixをみたり、犬と遊んだり… 休日は、Couch Potatoをして過ごしています^^;

そんな中、先日、フランス語のクラスで、”心に残る人”について100-200文字で紹介する宿題が…. 故タンテ•ルイゼ(ルイゼおばさんと呼んでいました)について書いてみました。
Tante Luise has been like family to me for many years. According to her, she arrived in Kobe during the war in 1942. She was supposed to go back to Austria using the Siberia railway, but she became stranded in Kobe after Russia declared war against Japan.
After the war, she became actively involved in various welfare and cultural activities in Kobe. Her tireless efforts and generous contributions to save animals and the environment were highly recognized by the government and she received an award from the Ministry of the Environment in 2003.
I always envied her supernatural power to attract animals such as dogs, cats, birds, and even wild boars! She was so inspiring and I learned so many things from her spiritually, culturally, and athletically. Coming from Austria, she was a great skater….

2人目は、フランスでがんばっている幼馴染について…. 文法の誤りなどフィードバックがあると、とても勉強になります。 英語のプライベートレッスンでも取り入れています。話題が広がり、とても楽しいです。寒い日は、暖かいココアを飲みながら、頭の体操…ぜひ、ぜひ!