☆Think globally, act locally!

今日は、JICAから二年間、ウガンダに派遣されていた元生徒さん(薬剤師)が帰国の報告に来てくださいました! 素晴らしい経験をされたようです! そう思えば、12年前にJETS Academyを立ち上げた時の最初の生徒さんは、JICAからトンガへの派遣が決まったばかりの看護師さんでした。 青年海外協力隊… 私は、何もできませんが、何か少しでもお役に立つ事ができれば、とても嬉しいです(^^)

One of my former students who was dispatched to Uganda by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) as a pharmacist has recently returned to Japan after her two years’ stay in the country. I was so pleased to welcome her back and to learn that she had a wonderful experience in Uganda helping a local government establish an efficient distribution system of medicines and other medical supplies. In retrospect, the first student of JETS Academy (founded 12 years ago) happened to be a nurse dispatched to Tonga by JICA. Although I, myself, am unable to go to these places to be actively involved in international volunteer activities, I feel so privileged if I can do something for those who work hard to make the world a better place to live in. I am so inspired that I will do whatever I can to pursue my dream: “Think globally, act locally!”